- What is the most menial job you ever had? What did you like or dislike about it?
- How does knowing that God will “bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose he motives of men’s hearts” (v 5) make you feel?
- Corinthian factions judged one another by the reputation of the leader they followed. What does Paul mean by the saying he quotes in verse 6? (“Do not go beyond what is written?”) How does this apply today?
- Of everything God has given you, what do you tend to take credit for yourself?
- How does knowing that our talents are from God keep us from thinking that we are better than others?
- Is there anything wrong with taking credit for our accomplishments?
- How would Paul respond to the phrase “God wants you to be happy, healthy, and successful”?
- In verses 8-13, Paul rather sarcastically compares his situation with the Corinthians’, who have a mistaken idea of wisdom and power. If there were a line between Corinthians (prideful, self-centered, power-oriented) on one end, and Paul (humble, persecuted, slandered, scum of the earth) on the other end, where on the line would you characterize your Christian life? Would you like to be in a different place than you actually are?
Bottom Line Point(s):
- Don’t judge yourself or others based on who they follow, what they do, or why they do it.
- Paul wanted Corinthians to turn from their sin and use their talents and resources in service and obedience to Christ.
How can you apply what you’ve learned here?
- Ask God to reveal your pride and give you a servant’s heart.
- Barton & others, "Life Application Bible Commentary: 1&2 Corinthians"
- MacArthur, "1 Corinthians: Godly Solutions for Church Problems"
- Lucado, “Life Lessons with Max Lucado – Book of 1 Corinthians”
- "Serendipity Study Bible for Groups"
- “Life Application Study Bible, NIV”
- Tyler Jones, Vintage21, Sermon on same topic 11/4/07
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