Link to text: John 6:1-24 and Matthew 14
Crushed Ice
1. Do you prefer to socialize at large parties, have a dinner for four, or spend a quiet evening with a friend or spouse? Why?Discussion
v. 1-15 – Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
1. How is the context different in Matthew and John when reading about “Jesus Feeding the Five Thousand?” (Matthew 6-12)
2. Why did the crowd follow Jesus? What did they think about him?
3. What do you think Jesus was thinking about in Matthew 14:13?
4. What was the test that Jesus used on Philip?
5. Compare and contrast the responses of Philip and Andrew in John 6:7-9 to Jesus’ question about how to feed the people.
6. Was he little boy the only one with food? Why did no one else come forward?
7. Even though the provision seemed meager, what did Jesus do before passing out the food?
8. Why was there more food after the feeding than before? What does this story teach us about God’s provision?
9. Even though Jesus was sad about John the Baptist, and probably tired and wanted some time alone with his Father, he shows compassion and heals people, then serves them dinner. What does that show about Jesus?
10. How do you respond to others when their presence requires a change in your plans? Can you remember a specific instance?
11. What new power do the disciples discover in Jesus? What is the lesson here?
12. What was the response of the masses to Jesus’ feeding of the five thousand? In what ways is this still a common response to Jesus?
13. Why was Jesus trying to evade the people in v 15? What does Jesus’ response indicate about his idea of his kingship?
v. 16-24 – Jesus Walks on Water
14. Why are the disciples leaving in a boat and leaving Jesus behind?
15. What are the disciples feeling at the time when they see Jesus on the water?
16. How would you have reacted if you saw Jesus on the water? When he climbed in the boat?
17. Why would any rational person say what Peter says in Matthew 14:28? What must have been going through his mind? What do Peter’s words and actions say about him?
18. What was the first thing Peter had to do to get onto the water?
19. Why is Peter successful in walking on the water? Why does he then sink?
20. Even though Peter eventually sank, contrast Peter’s faith and risk-taking to that of the 11 other disciples in the boat.
21. What is the relationship between risk-taking and faith?
22. Has Jesus ever frightened you? How?
23. This story occurs immediately after Jesus feeds the five thousand. Why do you think Jesus separates himself from the crowd and the disciples and spends time alone in prayer?
Bottom Line Point(s):
1. Jesus power is not limited by earth physics.
2. God’s provision can take our little contribution and multiply it abundantly.
3. If you want to walk on water you have to get out of the boat.
4. From Ortberg’ book…
· Water-walkers recognize God’s presence
· Water-walkers discern between faith and foolishness
· Water-walkers get out of the boat
· Water-walkers expect problems
· Water-walkers accept fear as the price of growth
· Water-walkers master failure management
· Water-walkers see failure as an opportunity to grow
· Water-walkers learn to wait on the Lord
· Water-walking brings a deeper connection with God
How can you apply what you’ve learned here?
1. When has God stretched your limited resources (physically or emotionally) far beyond what you could have imagined? In what way do you need to trust him to do so now?
2. How are you like Philip and Andrew – failing to remember something about Jesus when you face a difficult situation?
3. How are you at “stepping out of the boat” and taking risks?
4. Where do you feel God is leading you to get out of the boat now? What might keep you in the boat or cause you to sink?
5. What needs to happen to strengthen your faith?
6. Where in your life do you need Jesus to say “It is I, don’t be afraid”?
1. Barton & others, "Life Application Bible Commentary: John"
2. MacArthur, "John – Jesus, the Word, the Messiah, the Son of God"
3. "Serendipity Study Bible for Groups"
4. “Life Application Study Bible, NIV”
5. Bible Study Fellowship International, “The Gospel of John”
6. John Ortberg, “If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get out of the Boat”
7. ESV Study Bible.
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